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[1]IEEE TCSC 2022年度青年科学家奖IEEE TCSC,2022。

[2]IEEE Computer Society SCSTC 2021年度青年科学家奖,IEEE SCSTC,2021。

[3]Tensor-Based Big Data Multiple Clusterings with Their Secure and Efficient Implementations, IEEE TCSC 2020年度杰出博士论文奖, IEEE TCSC,2020。

[4]Privacy-Preserving Tensor-Based Multiple Clusterings on Cloud,河南省人力资源和社会保障厅、河南省科学技术协会,河南省第五届自然科学学术奖优秀学术论文三等奖,2021,第一完成人。





[1]Yaliang Zhao, Laurence T. Yang*, Ronghao Zhang, A Tensor-Based Multiple Clustering Approach with Its Applications in Automation Systems[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2018, 14(1): 283-291.

[2]Yaliang Zhao, Laurence T. Yang*, Jiayu Sun, A Secure High-Order CFS Algorithm on Clouds for Industrial Internet of Things[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2018, 14(8): 3766-3774.

[3]Yaliang Zhao, Laurence T. Yang*, Jiayu Sun, Privacy-Preserving Tensor-Based Multiple Clusterings on Cloud for Industrial IoT[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, April 2019, 15(4): 2372-2381.

[4]Yaliang Zhao, Samwel K. Tarus, Laurence T. Yang, Jiayu Sun, Yunfei Ge, Jinke Wang*, Privacy-Preserving Clustering for Big Data in Cyber-Physical-Social Systems: Survey and Perspectives[J]. Information Sciences, 2020, 515: 132-155.

[5]Yaliang Zhao, Laurence T. Yang*, Ronghao Zhang, Tensor-Based Multiple Clustering Approaches for Cyber-Physical-Social Applications[J]. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, 2020, 8(1): 69-81.

[6]Yaliang Zhao, Laurence T. Yang*, Yiwen Zhang, Jiayu Sun, Xiaojing Wang, Chunchun Zhang, Guangming Zhang, Tensor Train-Based Multiple Clusterings for Big Data in Cyber-Physical-Social Systems and Its Efficient Implementation[J]. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2022, 9(6): 3896-3908.

[7]Yuan Gao, Guangming Zhang, Chunchun Zhang, Jinke Wang, Laurence T. Yang, Yaliang Zhao*, Federated Tensor Decomposition-Based Feature Extraction Approach for Industrial IoT[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2021, 17(12): 8541-8549.

[8]Yuan Gao, Laurence T. Yang, Jing Yang, Dehua Zheng, Yaliang Zhao*, Jointly Low-Rank Tensor Completion for Estimating Missing Spatiotemporal Values in Logistics Systems[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, February 2023, 19(2): 1814-1822.

[9]Jing Yang, Laurence T. Yang, Hao Wang, Yuan Gao, Dehua Zheng, Yaliang Zhao*, Xia Xie, Yan Lu, Representation learning for knowledge fusion and reasoning in Cyber-Physical-Social Systems: Survey and perspectives[J]. Information Fusion, 2023, 90: 59-73.

[10]Chunchun Zhang, Yaliang Zhao*, Jinke Wang, Transformer-based Dynamic Fusion Clustering Network[J]. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2022, 258:109984.

[11]Guangming Zhang, Yaliang Zhao*, Jinke Wang, Few-Shot Node Classi cation on Attributed Networks Based on Deep Metric Learning for Cyber-Physical-Social Services[J]. Pattern Recognition Letters, 202317387-92.

[12]Yaliang Zhao, Guangming Zhang, Jinke Wang*, Few-shot node classification on attributed networks based on prototypical network[C]. the 19th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC), Haikou, China, 15-18 December 2022, pp.1-7.

[13]Yuan Gao, Laurence T. Yang, Dehua Zheng, Jing Yang, Yaliang Zhao*, Quantized Tensor Neural Network[J]. ACM Transactions on Data Science, 2022, 2(4): 1-18.

[14]Yuan Gao, Laurence T. Yang, Yaliang Zhao*, Jing Yang, Feature Extraction of High-Dimensional Data Based on J-HOSVD for Cyber-Physical-Social Systems[J]. ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, 2022, 13(3): 1-21.

[15]Xia Xie, Yu Fu, Hai Jin*, Yaliang Zhao, Wenzhi Cao. A Novel Text Mining Approach for Scholar Information Extraction from Web Content in Chinese[J]. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2020, 111: 859-872.

[16]Liwei Kuang, Laurence T. Yang*, Xiaokang Wang, Puming Wang, Yaliang Zhao, A Tensor-Based Big Data Model for QoS Improvement in Software Defined Networks[J]. IEEE Network, 2016, 30(1): 30-35.


[1]国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 61802112, 面向多源异构数据的多聚类通用模型及安全高效算法研究, 2019-01至2021-12, 结项,主持。




[5]国家航天局航天遥感论证中心, 横向项目,国科工技2012A03A0905, 柔性遥感产品工业化生产模型研究,2012-012014-12,结项,参与。

[6]民航空管局科技项目, 横向项目,2012XZ-247, 民航气象新一代信息处理和传输基础框架研究, 2012-082014-06,结项,参与。








