[5]“新工科背景下计算机科学与技术专业创新实践能力培养模式探究” 获河南省高等教育教学成果奖二等奖(2022)
[6]“Simulating the spatial diffusion of memes on social media networks”获河南省第五届自然科学技术学术奖三等奖(2022)
[1] Yan-e Hou, Kang Yang, Lanxue Dang*. Contextual Spatial-Channel Attention Network for Remote Sensing Scene Classification. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2023(20).
[2] Panpan Huangfu, Lanxue Dang*. A multi-scale pyramid feature fusion-based object detection method for remote sensing images. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2023, 44(24): 7790-7807.
[3] Chapter: Lanxue Dang, Huiyu Lin and Jay Lee. Spatiotemporal Analytical Unit Problem. CRC Press, part of Jay Lee (eds.), Spatiotemporal Analytics. 2023.
[4] Chapter: Lanxue Dang, Jay Lee and Huiyu Lin. Spatiotemporal Centrography and Dispersion. CRC Press, part of Jay Lee (eds.), Spatiotemporal Analytics. 2023.
[5] Lanxue Dang, Panpan Huangfu, Yan-e Hou, Yang Liu, Hongyu Han. A Path Aggregation Network Based on Residual Feature Enhancement for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery. Remote Sensing Letters, 2023, 14(6):598-608.
[6] Lanxue Dang, Libo Weng, Yane Hou, Xianyu Zuo, Yang Liu. Double‑branch feature fusion transformer for hyperspectral image classification. Scientific Reports, 2023(13):272.
[7] Yane Hou, Chunxiao Wang, Weichuan Dong, Lanxue Dang*. An Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for the Distribution of Fresh Products. Engineering Letters, 2023,31(2).
[8] Yan-e Hou, Wenbo Gu, Weichuan Dong, Lanxue Dang*. A Deep Reinforcement Learning Real-Time Recommendation Model Based on Long and Short-Term Preference. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems. 2023(16):4.
[9] Lanxue Dang, Chongyang Liu, Weichuan Dong, Yane Hou, Qiang Ge, Yang Liu. An effective global learning framework for hyperspectral image classification based on encoder-decoder architecture. International Journal of Digital Earth, 2022, 15(1).
[10] Yane Hou, Bingbing Liu, Lanxue Dang*, Wenwen He and Wenbo Gu. A Local Search-based Metaheuristic Algorithm Framework for the School Bus Routing Problem. Engineering Letters, 2022, 30(1).
[11] Lanxue Dang, Peidong Pang, Xianyu Zuo, Yang Liu, Jay Lee. A Dual-Path Small Convolution Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification. Remote Sensing, 2021.
[12] Yane Hou, Ning Zhao, Lanxue Dang*, Bingbing Liu. A Hybrid Metaheuristic Algorithm for the School Bus Routing Problem with Multi-School Planning. Engineering Letters, 2021, 29(4).
[13] Lanxue Dang, Peidong Pang, Jay Lee. Depth-Wise Separable Convolution Neural Network with Residual Connection for Hyperspectral Image Classification. Remote Sensing, 2020.
[14] Yan-e Hou, Lanxue Dang*, Yunfeng Kong, Zheye Wang, and Qingjie Zhao.A Hybrid Metaheuristic Algorithm for the Heterogeneous School Bus Routing Problem and a Real Case Study. IAENG International Journal of Computer Science,2020, 47(4).
[15] Lanxue Dang, Zhuo Chen, Jay Lee, Ming-Hsiang Tsou, Xinye Ye. Simulating the spatial diffusion of memes on social media networks. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 2019,3:1-24.
[16] Lan-xue Dang, Yan-e Hou, Qing-song Liu, and Yun-feng Kong, A Hybrid Metaheuristic Algorithm for the Bi-objective School Bus Routing Problem. IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, 2019, 46(3).
[17] Jay Lee, Lanxue Dang. The SAGE Encyclopedia of the Internet: Internet GIS, 2018.
[18] Chapter: Xinyue Ye, Lanxue Dang, Jay Lee, Ming-Hsiang Tsou and Zhuo Chen. Open Source Social Network Simulator Focusing on Spatial Meme Diffusion. Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 S.-L. Shaw and D. Sui (eds.), Human Dynamics Research in Smart and Connected Communities, Human Dynamics in Smart Cities, 2018.
[1] 国家民用空间基础设施中长期发展规划(2015-2025年)子课题:卫星产品算法流程化界面交互软件, HTWB210209491, 2021.4.12至2024.12.31,在研,主持。
[2]河南省科技发展计划项目(科技攻关), 跨模态遥感知识图谱构建技术研究, 232102210013, 2023-01-01至2024-12-31,在研,主持。
[4]河南省科技发展计划项目(科技攻关), 混载校车路径问题的超启发优化算法研究, 202102210160, 2021-01-01至2022-12-31,结项,主持。
[5]国家自然科学基金项目, 41401461, 大规模混载校车路径问题多目标优化算法研究, 2015-01-01至2017-12-31, 结项,主持。
[6] 河南省教育厅项目,重点研究项目, 13A520050, 启发式算法在校车路径问题中的应用研究,结项,主持。
[7] 河南省科技厅项目(河南省重大专项),农业遥感大数据并行处理技术研究及应用,在研,参与。
[8] 国家自然科学基金项目,区划问题通用元启发框架及关键算法机制研究, 2019-01-01至2022.12.31, 结项,参与。
[9] 国家自然科学基金项目,高分辨率卫星遥感影像灰霾颗粒物反演算法与估算模型研究, 2016-01-01至2019.12.31, 结项,参与。
[10] 国家自然科学基金项目,地理视频三维数据模型及Web服务接口研究, 2013.01.01至2015.12.31, 结项,参与。
[1]党兰学,等. 一种双路径小卷积网络的高光谱图像分类算法, 2022-08-30,中国,CN112966598B.
[2]党兰学,等. 基于残差连接的深度可分离卷积高光谱图像分类方法, 2022-11-22,中国,CN112115972B.
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