2022年11月17日中午,Victoria大学教授Shamsheer Syed受邀为河南大学21点游戏
报告以“An Overview of Database Systems, Design and Development”为主题,综述了数据库系统的设计与发展。报告首先介绍了数据库系统中数据、数据库、数据库管理系统等核心概念;然后介绍了数据库发展过程中演变的多种数据模型,重点介绍了关系模型的相关知识;接着基于关系数据库设计问题,介绍了设计过程中概念模型的建立方法-E-R图的设计;通过给出一些E-R图设计示例和习题,帮助同学们加深了对数据库设计中概念模型建立过程的理解。
报告结束之后,Shamsheer Syed教授与课程组的老师和同学进行了在线交流,并对同学们提出的数据库课程的学习方法、中外教学方式的不同之处等问题给出了答复。

Shamsheer Syed:
Current: Academic Sessional (Lecturer) at Victoria University
Previous: Course Coordinator and Lecturer at Federation University Australia (2005-2014)
Sessional Lecturer (Senior) at Australian Technical and Management College (ATMC) teaching for Federation University and University of Sunshine Coast (2014 – 2021)
15+ years of tertiary teaching of a variety of subjects in IT and Business at Federation University, Victoria University and various partner institutes of Federation University. 5+ years of IT industry experience in mainframe computing including- AS/400 system setup/monitoring/maintenance and creating RPG/400 and CL programming modules in Kapiti EQUATION banking software. Major areas of teaching include Software Engineering, ICT Capstone Projects, Database Management and Design, Mainframe Computing, Project Management (Business and IT), Professional Development (Ethics, Leadership and Culture). Main areas of research include Database Management- Relational, Object Relational and Spatial, Data Quality and Analysis including query processing, computational kernels, some areas in systems analysis.