
Data Science and Big Data Technology

Course Nature Course Code Course Credit Class Hours/Week Total Class Hours Theoretical Distribution Practical Distribution Semester Remarks
Compulsory: Public Basic Platform Course 00101001 Ideological Moral Cultivation & Introduction to Law 3 3 54 45 9 1 Optional Semester:1-8
00101002 An Introduction to the Basic Principles of Marxism 3 3 54 45 9 1 Optional Semester:1-8
00101006 Situation & Policy 2 2 128 36 92 1 Optional Semester:1-8
00200005 College English Reading, Writing & Translating (I) 2 2 36 36 1 Optional Semester:1-4
00200006 College English Viewing, Listening & Speaking(I) 2 2 36 36 1 Optional Semester:1-4
00300001 College Physical Education (I) 1 2 36 36 1 Optional Semester:1-4
00101003 An Introduction of Mao Zedong Thought and the System of Theories of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics(Ⅰ) 3 3 54 45 9 2 Optional Semester:2-8
00200007 College English Reading, Writing & Translating(II) 2 2 36 36 2 Optional Semester:1-4
00200008 College English Viewing, Listening & Speaking(II) 2 2 36 36 2 Optional Semester:1-4
00300002 College Physical Education (II) 1 2 36 36 2 Optional Semester:1-4
00101004 An Introduction of Mao Zedong Thought and the System of Theories of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics (Ⅱ) 3 3 54 45 9 3 Optional Semester:2-8
0020009 College English Reading, Writing & Translating(III) 2 2 36 36 3 Optional Semester:1-4
00200010 College English Viewing, Listening & Speaking(III) 2 2 36 36 3 Optional Semester:1-4
00300003 College Physical Education (III) 1 2 36 36 3 Optional Semester:1-4
00101005 A Survey of Modern History of China 2 2 36 30 6 4 Optional Semester:1-8
00200011 College English Reading, Writing & Translating(IV) 2 2 36 36 4 Optional Semester:1-4
00200012 College English Viewing, Listening & Speaking(IV) 2 2 36 36 4 Optional Semester:1-4
00300004 College Physical Education (IV) 1 2 36 36 4 Optional Semester:1-4
02700426 C++ Programming 4 6 108 36 72 2 Class in computer room
02700427 Database System Principles and Applications 3 4 68 36 32 2
02700429 Discrete Mathematics 3 3 54 54 3
02700433 Data Structure 4 5 86 54 32 4
02700434 Principles of Computer Organization 3.5 4 72 54 18 4
02700437 Operating System 4 5 86 54 32 5
02700438 Computer Network 3.5 4 72 54 18 5
Compulsory: Basic Subject Platform Course 01000001 Advanced Mathematics A(I) 5 6 108 108 1
01000006 Linear Algebra A 3 3 54 54 1
02700420 College Physics B 3 3 54 54 1
02700421 Experiment of College Physics B 0.5 1 18 18 1
02700422 Introduction to Computers 3 4 68 36 32 1
01000002 Advanced Mathematics A(Ⅱ) 5 6 108 108 2
01000008 Probability & Mathematical Statistics A 3 3 54 54 2
02700424 Basic Circuit and Electronics 3 3 54 54 2
02700425 Experiment of Basic Circuit and Electronics 0.5 1 18 18 2 Examine
02700428 Logic Design 3 3 54 54 3
02700289 Experiment of Logic Design 0.5 1 18 18 3
Electives: Professional Elective Course 02700423 Guide for Discipline Learning 1 2 20 20 1 Examine
02700431 Java Programming 3 4 72 36 36 3 Class in computer room
02700432 C# Programming 3 4 72 36 36 3 Optional
02700514 Programming Essentials of Data Science 3 4 68 36 3 3 Class in computer room&&Examine
02700515 Mathematical Essentials of Big Data Analysis 2 2 36 36 3
02700516 Platform Technology of Big Data 4 5 86 54 32 4
02700554 Algorithmic Design & Analysis 3 4 72 36 36 4
02700439 Software Engineering 2.5 3 54 36 18 5
02700440 Java Web Programming 3 4 68 36 32 5 Examine
02700442 Practice of Innovation Project (I) 2 4 64 64 5
02700518 Machine Learning and Data Mining 4 5 86 54 32 5
02700498 Literature Reading and Writing 2 2 36 36 5
02700544 Cloud Computing 2.5 3 54 36 18 5
02700447 Digital Image Processing 3 4 68 36 32 5
02700448 Principles of Compilation 2.5 3 54 36 18 6
02700436 Mobile Application Development Techniques 3 4 68 36 32 6
02700458 Comtemporary Artifical Intelligence 2 3 52 36 16 6
02700519 Application of Industry Big Data 2 2 36 36 6
02700499 Natural language processing 3 4 68 36 32 6
02700496 Pattern Recognition 3 4 72 36 36 6
02700445 Practice of Innovation Project (II) 2 4 64 64 6
02700484 Machine Vision 2 6 51 36 15 7 9 weeks in total, only for students studying in school
02700453 Network Information Security 3 4 68 36 32 7
02700500 Cloud Computing and Security 2 3 54 18 36 7
02700533 Intelligent System Design and Development 2 3 54 18 36 7
02700455 Human-Computer Interaction and Virtual Reality 2 4 54 18 36 7
02700458 Practical Training (I) 2 8 72 72 7 9 weeks in total, only for students who go out for training
02700459 Practical Training (II) 2 8 72 72 7
02700460 Practical Training (III) 2 8 72 72 7
Electives: Public Elective Course This major belongs to science and engineering. Students should take general education courses in four modules (module 1: cultural heritage and humanistic quality; module 2: human civilization and social development; module 4: Life Education and health; module 5: artistic sentiment and aesthetic perception) in addition to the discipline of their major. It is suggested that each module should not be less than 2 credits and the total credit should not be less than 8 credits.
Centralized Practice Teaching 02700117 Professional Practice 6 Semester 7 (last 9 weeks)
02700118 Graduation Thesis(Design) 6 Eighth semester
02700412 Special Credits 7 Semester 1-8 (2 credits are required for innovation and entrepreneurship courses and 1 credit for national defense education)